As I promised, I’d said that I’ll reveal the reason I ask those question from my previous post. The reason that I ask those questions is because quite often I came to realize that most of the things that we see and heard aren’t really like what it was. For example, you guys think that I’m rich. As a matter of fact, I am rich, as of now. But I wasn’t born as a rich kid. I’ve been through time when my family was really poor. I recall doing part time job in a lawyer firm as cleaner, with my mom. We would go there in the evening, when all the staffs there had finished their work, and we start vacuuming and sweeping the floor. Me myself had worked at several places and none the less, it helps shaped and mound my character as who I am now.
If I were to answer the three question myself, all three answer would be a [no]. No, I’m not 100% a kind person, because I don’t give money to any beggers’ that I met. No, I’m not a rich kid, coz if I’m a rich kid; I’d have at least had some money in my bank. And no, I’m not a nice person, there are lots of stuffs that I did, and mind you that whether I regretted doing it or not, it’s not something that I would be proud to say I did that.
Throughout the recent year, I’ve changed a lot. Especially through the three years I’ve spend in UMT, with all those great people that I met, that taught me stuffs that I’d never learn elsewhere. My coursemates, my friends, my seniors and juniors. And I’m very grateful that I met these peoples. I too, is a normal human being, and like all other human being, I tend to regret. I regret that I never treated those people better than anyone else. Those that spend a lot of time around me, those that cared for me, those that’d do stupid stuffs just to make me smile. Those that sacrifice their time for me.
Looking at those pictures, recalling all the moment, all these makes my emotion fluctuates, there’s only one question on my mind now. When can we meet again and bring back those moments….?
This is, The Very Insight Thought, of an Individual named Kazaf, which has been cherished, hated, appreciated, cursed...[so much more] by the others.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
~21th Mar~
失踪了一段时间,总算有机会再发帖了,来了这里三个星期了, 有的没的总算适应下来了, 一个星期工作五天, 周末休息, 首两个星期暂住我的哥哥那里, 他周末不在, 所以首个周末就躲在房里睡觉, 第二个周末则忙着搬家。 到了第三个星期,总算是真正地开始我一个人在这里的生活。
自己在外面租了间房间, 也不算便宜, 整马币千多块,在吉隆坡可是可以租到一整间房子咧, 当我在看房间时,也不懂为什么, 根本没怎么考虑就付了订金。 不懂是命运注定, 还是我总是那么幸运, 搬了进来, 才发现我捡到宝了, 屋主是一对年迈的夫妇, 我猜也有七十多岁了吧, 还蛮亲善的, 不懂是因为我刚搬进来,或是其他原因, 总觉得他们对我蛮好的, 也蛮关心我的。这两天还被老太太啰嗦一番,因为她看到我没出去吃东西, 就走过来指责我,叫我不要只忙着 工作, 要定时吃饭, 不要饿坏肚子导致以后有胃病。
和我住在同一个屋檐下的, 还有一对情侣, 很不可思议的是, 他们竟然也是同样来自怡保。男的挺帅的, 女的则是标准怡保型美女, 自然清纯式的美女, 他们可说是绝配吧, 但到现在为止还没有机会和他们坐下来闲聊, 所以彼此都很陌生。
工作方面 , 也算是跟上步伐了, 工作不会说很忙,大部分时间还是在走走逛逛, 因为很多设施都还在建着,同事只有那两三个, 暂时也没什么大问题, 但有时想到,这个发展计划如果成功, 我将会是个所谓的[建国大臣], 也蛮大压力的。哈哈哈~~~ 但说真的, 能够来到这个阶段,得到这份工作, 要感谢我的前辈丽君, 也要感谢我的上司。 能和我现任的上司工作,也算是我另一个福分吧, 他是一个挺关心下属,也挺照顾下属的上司,对我也有蛮高的期望, 希望我不会辜负他。
短短的几个星期内,让我体验了很多改变,也让我认识了很多人,更让我发觉,我总是那么地幸运,总是遇到些贵人。 但我觉得上天也是公平的, 遇到了这么多位贵人, 却不让我遇见我的恋人。或许俗语说得对, 越是想得到的东西, 你就越得不到, 你不曾想过要得到的,却随手可得。 真是天意弄人啊, 哈哈哈哈~~~~
自己在外面租了间房间, 也不算便宜, 整马币千多块,在吉隆坡可是可以租到一整间房子咧, 当我在看房间时,也不懂为什么, 根本没怎么考虑就付了订金。 不懂是命运注定, 还是我总是那么幸运, 搬了进来, 才发现我捡到宝了, 屋主是一对年迈的夫妇, 我猜也有七十多岁了吧, 还蛮亲善的, 不懂是因为我刚搬进来,或是其他原因, 总觉得他们对我蛮好的, 也蛮关心我的。这两天还被老太太啰嗦一番,因为她看到我没出去吃东西, 就走过来指责我,叫我不要只忙着 工作, 要定时吃饭, 不要饿坏肚子导致以后有胃病。
和我住在同一个屋檐下的, 还有一对情侣, 很不可思议的是, 他们竟然也是同样来自怡保。男的挺帅的, 女的则是标准怡保型美女, 自然清纯式的美女, 他们可说是绝配吧, 但到现在为止还没有机会和他们坐下来闲聊, 所以彼此都很陌生。
工作方面 , 也算是跟上步伐了, 工作不会说很忙,大部分时间还是在走走逛逛, 因为很多设施都还在建着,同事只有那两三个, 暂时也没什么大问题, 但有时想到,这个发展计划如果成功, 我将会是个所谓的[建国大臣], 也蛮大压力的。哈哈哈~~~ 但说真的, 能够来到这个阶段,得到这份工作, 要感谢我的前辈丽君, 也要感谢我的上司。 能和我现任的上司工作,也算是我另一个福分吧, 他是一个挺关心下属,也挺照顾下属的上司,对我也有蛮高的期望, 希望我不会辜负他。
短短的几个星期内,让我体验了很多改变,也让我认识了很多人,更让我发觉,我总是那么地幸运,总是遇到些贵人。 但我觉得上天也是公平的, 遇到了这么多位贵人, 却不让我遇见我的恋人。或许俗语说得对, 越是想得到的东西, 你就越得不到, 你不曾想过要得到的,却随手可得。 真是天意弄人啊, 哈哈哈哈~~~~
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